Why Join?
Flourishing in Ministry
A CPF Cohort provides you with the time and space to flourish in ministry. Our desire is for you to do your best!
It's hard to believe there was a time when paper and pen were cutting-edge technology, yet it was the delivery system God used to capture His Word to His church. In 2 John 12, we read, “Though I have much to write to you, I would rather not use paper and ink. Instead, I hope to come to you and talk face to face so that our joy may be complete.” John understood the value of writing to the churches but saw an even greater relational value in face-to-face communication. While we want to use every tool available to support pastors and promote the gospel, we too believe there is a profound impact when the gospel is personally incarnated. So we encourage you to take advantage of an opportunity to incarnate the gospel to your peers as well as receive an incarnated gospel by participating in a cohort.
We provide an opportunity for you to:
Connect with your peers, giving and receiving encouragement, support, and advice
Prioritize your continuing education and growth as a pastor/leader
Discover methods that foster your pursuit of pastoral flourishing, and how to sustain it
Spend dedicated time focused on your wellbeing, providing time for restoration and renewal
Discuss ministry life in a safe supportive space, learning from each other as you share the joys and challenges of being a pastor/leader
Live and Lead Authentically
We encourage every pastor and ministry leader to live and lead in authentic wholeness personally, professionally, and relationally with their peers.
• Spiritual – maturing in their understanding of the discipleship journey as loving participation with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
• Relationally – developing a better awareness of interacting with a joyful non-anxious presence.
• Characterological – pursuing (being and doing) consistent with the transforming impact of participating with Jesus empowered by the Holy Spirit.
• Servanthood – Growing in their understanding of humility as a key component to leading without fear.
• Visionary – Mobilizing their faith communities to participate in a good and Godly cause bigger than themselves.
• Empowering – We support pastors in their role of equipping each saint to do work of ministry.
• Sage -We encourage pastors to lead from a wisdom perspective of integrating their context: Biblically, Relationally, and Culturally
We envision local, geographical networks of Pastors connecting collegially to promote the flourishing of one another, their congregations, and their communities.
• Inspiring – Pastors providing and receiving mutual relational encouragement. Replacing the debilitating feelings of isolation with the energy of a community.
• Inquiring – Pastors growing in their compassionate inquiry of one another, promoting self-discovery and discernment in a loving environment.
• Collaborating – Through prayer, Pastors will unite to discern opportunities to cooperate in bringing a gospel perspective and presence to their community.
Start Your Cohort Journey Today!
There are limited scholarship opportunities available for financial hardship cases